A downloadable game for Windows

Dive into a retro styled cyberpunk themed world of Neon Escape. This game is created to bring nostalgia with it's minimalistic pixel graphics and simple mechanics.

The world of Neon Escape revolves around Triden, the main character who discovers a secret about the corporation NovaTech. Subsequently Triden decides that he will stop this evil corporation and free the Neon City.

Most of the levels are revolved around the NovaTech labs, where the player faces monsters created by the NovaTech corporation. In the end Triden needs to beat the evil boss, the creator of NovaTech to free the Neon City and beat the game.

This game was created as a part of the course.  This game is created for a specific console hologram volumetric platform.  This platform uses Raspbian OS and is created to withstand retro games. So a team of 13 people came together to create the Neon Escape experience for this platform.

External Links

Github repo

Game Design Document (GDD)


Leonardo Andrašić – sound effects and managment

Ilan Blažek – sound effects, documenting, story

Šime Braica – background and platforms for level 3

Nimaj Dupanović – background and platforms for level 2

Roko Horvat – mechanics for three enemies 

Toni Ivanović – player character design and HUD

Niko Lončar – basic platformer mechanics, mechanics for three blasters, lava and spikes,  "Game over" screen and spawn points of enemies

Magdalena Markovinović – title screen, HUD,  design for all three enemies and objects on all levels, project manager

David Matijanić – basic platformer mechanics, collisions, player view,  level system, ladders

Marin Orejaš – Game Design Document, documentation

Vito Petrinjak – design for all three blasters, documentation

Marko Posavec - Game Design Document, documentation

Dino Primorac –background and platforms for level 1, documentation


Neon Escape 6.8 MB

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